Search engine for genomic track metadata
Hierarchical browser of all metadata keys and values
Categorical search
Graphical builder of SQL-based search queries
Browse results in table or hierarchical form
Export results in JSON or GSuite formats
REST API for integration in downstream tools and scripts
Metadata augmentation service
Load FAIRtracks-annotated JSON file with minimal set of fields
Receive JSON file with augmented human-readable fields
Generates labels from term IDs using most recent ontology versions
Generates single-field summaries based on other fields
REST API for automatized augmentation
Metadata validation service
REST API for validation of JSON files against the FAIRtracks schemas
Standard JSON Schema validator with custom extensions
Validation of ontology terms against the latest ontology versions
Validation of CURIEs against Identifiers.org
Validation of consistency of internal relations
FAIRtracks format conversion service
Convert between data formats, for now only JSON -> GSuite
GSuite is a tabular text format with metadata on track collections
GSuite is designed for track analysis
Supports deferred downloading of data based on URLs
REST API to prepare search results for data analysis in tools such as the GSuite HyperBrowser
Statistical analysis framework for track data
The first general framework for statistical analysis of tracks
Created at the crossroads of biology, statistics, and computer science
On Galaxy web platform
Precise tools and analyses on genome variation, regulation, chromatin, etc.
Prototype import tool that inspired FAIRtracks is now TrackFind client
Registry of publicly accessible track hubs
A track hub serves track collection data for use in genome browsers
The UCSC Public Track Hub page and the Track Hub Registry are main registries of track hubs
Allows metadata for individual tracks but most focus is on the hubs themselves
Plans to highlight FAIRtracks-compxliant hubs
REST API and web GUI
The BLUEPRINT/EPICO Data Analysis Portal
Data-driven exploration of genes, pathways or genome regions across the BLUEPRINT datasets
Provides analytical graph-based views into various aspects of the track data
Supports different reference genomes and organisms
Integration with the FAIRtracks ecosystem is ongoing
REST API and web GUI
FAIRtracks ecosystem